
It seems that I've made a career out of crying and sleeping the past few days. Crying about food, crying about leaving the house, crying about not leaving the house, crying about our room feeling too humid and the sheets sticking to me... It's pretty exhausting and embarrassing. Kent says that he's gotten used to me crying and/or falling asleep at the drop of a hat. These hormones of mine are out of control and I'm kind of sick of them already. I'm thankful for Kent who is pretty good at getting me to laugh through the tears and our dogs who take initiative to snuggle up to me when they see me crying for the 506th time in a day.

We're down to the 2 week mark. I'm ready to have this baby already because I'm just so dang uncomfortable, my hips are trying to move around, my hands have gone numb, and nothing helps, but at the same time I want everything to freeze so I can soak up what little time I have left as just me and Kent. I get emotional (of course) just thinking about it and knowing that things will never again be the same and then I think about the "natural" ways to induce labor, but chicken out because the thought of labor is terrifying.

I had a visit with the doctor today. Everything is looking good and on track. Noah is measuring a good size, he says. About 2 weeks ahead ... but that doesn't mean anything to me unless it means that I'll go into labor (which, like I said, is terrifying to me). As of last week Noah was breech -- but today he's back to normal. I guess as he was waking me up in the middle of the night with all his moving did him some good. I found out that my doctor will be out of town on the day that I'm scheduled to deliver -- bummer  for us, BUT he assures me that we will love the doctor that is taking his place and that she's a great surgeon. I meet with her on Monday to get any jitters out of the way and have my final prenatal appointment.

It's crazy how fast things have flown by.

Just for fun, here's Tama snuggling up to the baby bump. It's the sweetest thing and he does it often. He'll lay there snuggled up for hours sometimes without a care to move. Occasionally, he gets a little protective of it not letting the other dogs near it, so it will be interesting to see how he takes to Noah when he's actually here. We already know Tama LOVES babies, so we are hoping Noah's crying won't put him off.

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